Petite Boot Earrings
Petite Candy Hearts
Petite Flags
Petite Heart Fries - Pink
Petite Heart Fries - Red
Petite Pansy
Petite Peas - Green Multi
Petite Raja Fries
Petite Zebra
Phone Fritters
Piano Fries
Piano Patisserie Links
Petite Boot Earrings
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on this discontinued item. Also, this item DOES NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...
Petite Candy Hearts
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on these discontinued items. Also, these items DO NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...
Petite Flags
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on this discontinued item. Also, this item DOES NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...
Petite Heart Fries - Pink
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on this discontinued item. Also, this item DOES NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...
Petite Heart Fries - Red
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on this discontinued item. Also, this item DOES NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...
Petite Pansy
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on this discontinued item. Also, this item DOES NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...
Petite Raja Fries
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on this discontinued item. Also, this item DOES NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...
Petite Star and Moon Earrings
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on this discontinued item. Also, this item DOES NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...
Petite Starfish
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on this discontinued item. Also, this item DOES NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...
Petite Zebra
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on this discontinued item. Also, this item DOES NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...
Phone Alfredo
Available in Posts or Clips Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on this discontinued item. Also, this item DOES NOT come with a Lunch at...
Phone Fritters
Available in Posts Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on this discontinued item. Also, this item DOES NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz...
Piano Fries
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on these discontinued items. Also, these items DO NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...
Piano Patisserie Links
Designed by Zander ElliottMade in the USAIMPORTANT: Please be aware there are no refunds or exchanges on these discontinued items. Also, these items DO NOT come with a Lunch at the Ritz card or a...